You should contact our specialists for EMERGENCY CARE as soon as possible in the case of:
Tooth knocked out (avulsed)
Fractured tooth
Cut or bitten tongue, lip, or cheek requiring stitches
Toothache with facial swelling
The PRIMARY OBJECTIVES when treating a traumatic dental injury are:
Save teeth at risk of being lost
Prevent or treat infection
Restore function as effectively as possible

In general, the loss of a baby tooth is not as serious as the loss of a permanent tooth. However, your child should still come to the office for a dental examination.
First, comfort your child and stop any bleeding by applying gentle pressure with a sterilized gauze.
Try to locate the fallen tooth to ensure the child hasn't swallowed it. It's important to find the tooth because it may have hit the gum or part of the tooth might still be inside the bone.
Do not attempt to reposition a baby tooth into its socket because inadvertently, you could harm the permanent tooth.
Schedule an appointment at our pediatric dentistry office.
We will carefully examine your child's mouth and may take X-rays to check if the surrounding teeth and unerupted permanent teeth are damaged. Sometimes it's necessary to insert a space maintainer to prevent surrounding teeth from shifting and ensure that permanent teeth erupt properly.
Even preschool-aged children are conscious of their appearance. If the fallen tooth is a front tooth, the gap may last several years until the permanent teeth erupt. If needed, we can create a temporary bridge called a "pedopartial" that remains in place until the permanent teeth come in. The individual situation and treatment plan for each child are taken into account.
Time and quick action are crucial when a permanent tooth falls out. For the best outcome, your child should see our specialists within an hour of the incident. Follow these steps immediately:
Take a photo. Get close to the tooth. Have the child point their nose towards the ceiling. Pull back the lip. This is not diagnostic but will give us an idea of the severity.
Try to find the tooth. Gently place the tooth back into the socket.
Gently press the tooth with your thumb until the crown is level with the adjacent tooth.
Have the child bite on gauze or cloth to stabilize the tooth until they reach our dental office.
If you cannot reinsert the tooth, keep it moist by placing it in a plastic bag filled with milk.
If you have Save-a-Tooth, you can insert the tooth and bring it to our office. It is affordable and can be purchased online. It's good to have on hand when you have children, especially if they participate in sports. Inquire at our office about how to order it.

Children can chip or break their teeth due to falls, sports injuries, or even biting on hard foods like ice or candies.
If your child fractures a tooth, immediately rinse their mouth with warm water to clean the area. You can use a sterilized gauze to stop bleeding. If there is facial swelling, apply ice. Most importantly, your child needs a dental examination and X-rays as soon as possible.
If there is a history of loss of consciousness, nausea or vomiting, or if there are no witnesses to the incident, it is advisable to go directly to a local hospital for evaluation. Then, call our specialists as soon as possible for follow-up.
There are four classes of dental fractures:
Class 1 – Fractures in the outer enamel layer.
Class 2 - Fractures in the dentin layer.
Class 3 – Fractures into the pulp.
Class 4 – Fractures of the root.
Treatment options will depend on the type of fracture and whether it involves a permanent or temporary tooth.
If your child bites their lip, tongue, or cheek, gently clean the area with warm water and apply a cold compress. If there is uncontrollable bleeding, take them to the emergency room or call 911.
If bleeding can be controlled, call or come to our office to determine if the cut needs stitches. It's important for our specialists to assess whether there is any dental involvement or if a segment of a fractured tooth is embedded in the child's lip or tongue.

A toothache can occur due to a deep cavity, a mouth ulcer, dental trauma, an abscess, gum issues, a loose baby tooth, or even something caught between the teeth.
Toothaches become an emergency when they involve intense pain and/or facial swelling. These can be symptoms of an abscess. Without treatment, an abscess infection can spread to other areas of the body and even be life-threatening.
If your child has a toothache, call our pediatric dentistry office to schedule an appointment and have them seen as soon as possible. Don't wait until an abscess

There are a series of simple precautions that should be taken to prevent accidents and injuries to the teeth:
Visit your local dentist or pediatric dentist every six months to ensure your child's teeth are healthy and strong.
Establish a oral care routine from infancy.
Use sport-specific mouthguards.
Supervise young children. Do not let them run with pencils or toys in their mouth.
Reduce tripping hazards in your home and use gates to block stairs and hazardous areas for young children.